What I Do When I Am Child-Free

My three girls went to NY for the weekend to have some quality time with my family. I met my mom in PA on Friday and am picking them up on Sunday afternoon. This has never happened while I was off of work, probably because I am only off of work once a year basically. When my mom asked to have the girls for the weekend my mind raced with the endless possibilities as to what I would do not only child-free but also off of work. Shopping, binge watching Gilmore Girls, lounging with a margarita, gardening… what to do??

Well this is what I did:

  1. I came home and promptly realized that Amelia and Moira’s room is a complete disaster area. Seriously, these two girls are dirt collecting, stuffed animal hoarding, clothes piling little fiends wrapped up in cuteness. So not only did I clean their room but I rearranged it so that the beds and the dresser have new homes.
  2. Well because I cleaned up the hoarders, I mean my darling daughters’, room I had piles of laundry to do so I started some, cleaned up around the washer and dryer, wiped down the table where the cats eat, threw out some empty containers.. ya know, lol, just went down to do laundry!
  3. I cooked myself a yummy dinner of dill tilapia and broccoli, while that was cooking I did the dishes, cleaned the counters, and tidied up the kitchen.
  4. I finally realized that it was late and no more cleaning was required. So I binge watched some Gilmore Girls and painted my nails, then went to bed.
  5. Saturday morning I woke up bright and early to lots and lots of dog puke. Apparently Spooky had an upset stomach… enough said. Big dogs equal lots and lots of puke.
  6. I headed to Target (yay!!!) for some more cleaning supplies and to browse at my leisure while being kid-free. It was glorious. Made even more glorious by the iced coconut milk mocha macchiato.
  7. Came home and gave the dogs water… which ended up with more puke… ugh!
  8. Klint and I then headed out to run some errands and eat lunch at one of my favorite places- Slymans… how did I not know how awesome corned beef is until recently? I managed to convince Klint to take me to Michaels and Anthropologie too while we were out so major win!
  9. We came home, Klint had to go to bed for work, and I decided to cook Spooky some chicken broth and rice. (My tried and true solution to dog puke)
  10. My final act of the night was cleaning out my awesome blue Ikea cart and organizing it. It was a mishmash of nail polish, Posh products, craft supplies… topped with cat hair.

Here are some pics of my adventures… not the puke because that would be gross!

Tomorrow is my last morning child-free…. who knows what I will do?!


Dr. Seuss Obsessed

It seems like everywhere you look Dr. Seuss abounds. Clothing, crafts, parties, books… there is no escape from the wacky world of The Cat in the Hat or The Lorax. And who would want to leave? Crazy critters with funny names, bright colors, and catchy rhymes- it’s no wonder that there is a huge Seuss revival going on.

I remember reading these books as a child and making up my own Seuss-inspired stories. I would draw weird creatures and give them weirder names, it was so much fun! And now, to my amazement, my girls are enjoying the same stories and movies. So here are a few Dr. Seuss-ish things to do with your kids while you enjoy the books and the new movie The Lorax!


1. Cat in the Hat Felt Flowers

2. Dr. Seuss Book Bag

3. Thing 1 & Thing 2 Peg People

4. Green Eggs and Ham Snacks

5. Oh the Places You’ll Go! Cookies

6. Dr. Seuss Muffin Tin Lunch

And just so you adults don’t feel left out on all the Dr. Seuss fun, here is an outfit that I created, inspired by The Cat in the Hat!

Click the pic to see the specs on the outfit

What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book?