My Crazy Life

How is everyone doing? I don’t know about you all, but I am SO ready for fall weather!! It has been so hot, humid, and just plain yuck here. I am ready for boots, scarves, cute hats, plaid jackets, colorful leaves, and pumpkin EVERYTHING!

But with fall comes the start of my crazy life… and I seriously mean crazy!! So this is what I am up to:

I am teaching 19 dance classes a week for Dancexcel. Yes, 19. I am so excited to meet all of my classes, and spread my love of dance to all my students.img_7202

Then I added another dance project called Reach Out and Dance. This is a program based on another called Rosie’s Theater Kids… Rosie as in Rosie O’Donnell. I get to go into public schools and teach school kids dance in place of their normal gym time. It is a really great project because I feel like it is giving back through my talents and it exposes kids to dance who don’t pay for classes at a studio.

AND earlier this month I auditioned for and was cast in a local production of Beauty and the Beast through a company called Mighty Goliath Productions. I am so excited because I am always on the production team end of musicals and it has been a very long time since I have been actually IN one! And even better, my co-worker/bride to my bridesmaid/partner in crime Miranda is also in it with me. She has never done a musical so this is a new experience for her, making it even more fun for me!

(We just ended our teaching night so forgive the sweatiness!)

Then aside from my crazy career, I also have not one for two homeschool co-ops- FLOW and Nature Rangers. And of course, playdates/field trips/reading/ meal planning/ cleaning/ zoo-keeping/ and life. Lol, and I didn’t even mention Klint and all of his schedule! img_7215



What does your crazy life look like? Lay it on me!


Summer Loving

Hello!!! Sorry for the extended hiatus friends. Once recital season was over I happily slid into a summer routine of playing, museums, sleeping in, and before I knew it the day ran out of hours without room for blogging.
I’ve been gardening, catching fireflies, crafting pretty things like this wreath-

and generally enjoying life. 😀
Here are some more photos from the last couple of weeks, have a great night!






Capture the Gift

One of my goals this year is to capture the gift of my everyday life. Gratitude leads to happiness and I’m determined to have a very happy year. I received an early birthday present- a lovely little camera. Even though we have a DSLR I really wanted something that I can just stick in my purse or pocket, carrying a big camera isn’t easy with my monkey baby. I did a lot of research and the Canon Powershot ELPH 110H came up as being one of the best point and shoots available. =) Yay!

Isn’t it cute?! I’m super excited to see what daily crazy silliness I capture. I’m also interested in improving my photography skills. Photos like this encourage me. This is one of my Christmas presents, a set of beautiful pink vintage Pyrex bowls. I’m hoping to get a few more pieces for my birthday coming up.

So that is it, a simple attainable goal. An attitude of gratitude you might say. What are your self improvement goals for the year? Anything major?

5 minutes in the life of Moira

A peek into the life of a very active 11 month old…

1. Pick me up.
2. Milk now.
3. Never mind, put me down.20111117-005759.jpg
4. Wait, I’m hungry…
5. I am HUNGRY!
6. What’s Gabby doing?
7. Back to the milk.
8. Ooooh! The kitten wants to play.
9. Down.
10. Down NOW!
11. Where are you going?
12. Pick me up so I can come.
13. Don’t put me down!
14. Mmm, paper to eat.
15. Give that back woman!
16. Now where are you going?
17. I wanted to eat that!
18. Yay, books!
19. Mmmm… Books taste good.
20. Hmmm, I want milk with my books.
21. No, I don’t want to nurse!
22. Try that again and I bite lady!
23. Put me down.
24. Scary vacuum! Pick me up!
25. Watch this, I can dance.
26. Maybe I’ll try this walking thing…
27. Yay, a chair to climb!
28. Bonus! AJ left crackers and a doll here!
29. Maybe some more milk…

Lol, and that is a small snippet of our day! How is your day??